Executive Director’s Message
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Dr. Vinod Ramkrishna Verma
The institute has its own culture of inclusiveness, diversity, personal and intellectual integrity and value based education that allows a collaborative spirit between faculty, students, corporate partners and industry professionals.
We realize that need to keep us contemporary to the changes constantly happening around us, the delivery of curriculum is of high standard and the learning methodology encourages students to undertake greater initiatives. In addition to giving them conventional inputs, we try to develop the mind set and the attitude that are required today. Through our value based education we strive to make our students responsive to societal issues.
The GNYANODAYA College possesses vibrant and talented students’ community where students are actively involved in managing various events.
I welcome you to join our GNYANODAYA DEGREE COLLEGE and prepare yourself in the Gnyanodaya way to follow footsteps of your alumni for brilliant professional career.